For our sisters

International Women's day is a day that inspires us to put pen to paper. A day where we feel valid to post, share and celebrate. I love my feed of inspiring, inspirational women and stories of their outstanding achievements! I feel inspired, motivated and full of admiration for these great women.

A day where we celebrate women's achievements, a day where any activity that starts the conversation around equality is a good thing. A day, Still Sisters feels impassioned; it encapsulates what we set out to achieve, a world where difference is valued and celebrated. I dream of a day when this becomes the norm.

In a world that seems too busy, rushing and hard bloody work - IWD ensures we stop, take stock of how far we have come, celebrate and appreciate the people around us—those who lift, support, and cheer us on from the sidelines. The world needs more of this.

Still Sisters' core value is inclusivity - We provide a space where everyone is welcome to the table. We aren't an exclusive club; we find room and a chair for everyone. In a world and a time where it feels like our differences divide us, let's find time and space to celebrate and embrace our differences.

To our girls, sisters, friends, colleagues and supporters, we thank you for your daily cheers, whether loud or quiet, accepting us as we are and empowering us to feel heard daily. The world needs more people like you! The more we support and cheer each other, the further we will go - togeher.

Take some time today to find someone who inspires you and makes you feel valued, and let them know, if it's over a Gin, even better.

Our Vision:

Our drinks bring people together to enjoy the human connection because artisan spirits should be accessible to all. We invite everyone to the party.



When the going gets tough….


Like Gwen of Trelew, no one will be missed.