A safe space.

Still Sisters has a vision (we like to call it a dream) of a place where everyone feels welcome, accepted, and safe. We like to think of our distilleries as just that—a space where people can come together and feel a sense of welcome and community—that I feel we have all desperately missed since 2020.

Our vision and mission are to create a space that brings everyone together. Since opening our second site in Trowbridge, we have been overwhelmed by the sense of community and the projects in which we have been lucky enough to be involved.

What better way and place to talk to you about what’s been happening than here?

When we opened, we wanted to become a safe space for anyone—we wanted the people of Trowbridge to know that we are a space you can call safe. To make this a reality, the team is undergoing Ask Angela and WAVE Training and working closely with night wardens, the street pastors, and the PCC on the Safer Nights project. We and other pubs and bars in Trowbridge proudly display the sticker. The next time you are out in Town, you can be confident that the owners and teams there care about your safety and have all signed up to the charter.

You may have seen the street wardens out in Trowbridge on Friday and Saturday nights from 8 pm until 3 am. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has received funding from the Home Office and their Safer Streets initiative to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG), antisocial behaviour (ASB), and neighbourhood crime. One of the projects they have funded is the provision of Street Wardens in Trowbridge.

It was sad to learn that surveys have revealed that perceptions and feelings of safety amongst residents of Wiltshire, and in particular women and girls when out at night, are low. We want to do all we can to change this. We are working hard to ensure this project is a success for the people of Trowbridge. We are working with Trowbridge's fantastic pubs and bars to create a community of businesses that care about the safety of the people they serve. We welcome the wardens to our streets - the lovely Sally and Steve joined us for their first night on the 3rd of May. We invite them to our next meeting with the town council, the chamber of commerce, the PCC, Fear Free and the licensed premises in Trowbridge to work together to make our streets safer at night.

Watch this space for updates and more information on the Safer Nights Project.


Wendy’s Big Quiz Night for FearFree